when to transplant winter sown seedlings

I’m in lovely Denver. BY Kevin Lee Jacobs | February 11, 2015 66 Comments. Thank you for your posts, your recipes, your photos, your gardening, your interiors, your purple soup pot, etc. Seeds which have not yet germinated won’t be harmed from the cold. Thanks for all the great info! I have never winter garden in the jugs and am looking forward to doing so next year. I have a seed starting system in my house, but use windows, etc also. Will this work for zucchini, cukes, butternut squash, watermelon etc. I noticed on your blog you started all your boxwood did you start in the milk jugs? Hi Beverly – I’ve tried refrigerator/freezer stratification too, and it did not work. Thanks so much! portions suitable for planting, just like you’d slice a cake. plants that survive and thrive in the face of erratic weather. I have been debating your milk jug method vs the 50 or 72 plug trays. (Don’t mean to rub that in!) You can even use winter sowing in areas that Winter sown annuals may only get potted up briefly in cell packs, giving them a chance to form really good roots before planting out. Thank You, Thank You, (about your brussel spout plants) when transplanting the starts, did you dress up the soil with. Absolutely nothing has sprouted! It was neat to see this! Tawni – Keep everything outside. exactly what you need to do to plant from seeds in winter, giving your garden a Not all seeds are suitable for winter sowing, Hello fellow gardeners, Good luck with your project! You can let me know by leaving a comment. Pull them apart as gently as you can, but I have mounded a little extra soil at bottom of the stem, but that helps for an hour or so. I have had densely packed seedlings in the jugs compete with each other for an extended period of time as I procrastinated about releasing them. sides of each of your chosen containers. COPYRIGHT© 2009–2021 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | KEVIN LEE JACOBS. And what about extremely crowded seedlings, such as the creeping thyme pictured above? Potting soil maybe too heavy for the roots of starters. Hi Kevin, its my first time writing to you, I been following you for a while, love all the recipes and share them with my 2 daughters, I am looking forward when I can buy your cookbook, have a Happy Valentine’s Day. (See my post What to Winter-Sow…and When.). I can be patient, just hoping I didn’t somehow mess up my first attempt I guess! flip it upside down, then remove the seedlings and turn them right-side up Would have to research what I planted, but the ones that did survive were the lovely coral bells. showers become a deluge and seedlings have had enough hydration. I really enjoy all the information that you have shared.v. My rabbits got loose in my greenhouse and ate all my winter starts. Kevin, Thank you! For heavy sowing to make plugs my two faves are alyssum and wildflower blends. seedlings that don’t need to be coddled. I’m so disappointed with the results of my first effort at winter sowing. Hallelujah for winter-sowing! Gardening Channel. Please see these two article for more information on both methods: Seed Starting 101: Winter Sowing in which I share how I use milk jugs outdoors as mini greenhouses to start seed. Hi Kevin, I live in zone 7. When the weather warms your seedlings can fry if you don’t prop them open during the day. I’m going to try the clumping method. seeds outdoors in winter to give them a head start on the spring growing I love hunk-o-seedlings–the ‘Brownie Method’–for transplant. . By planting in the “dead of winter”, you can be fairly confident that the seeds won’t start until spring is beginning. soft drink bottles, takeout containers from restaurants, or any plastic Give it a whirl! It’s survival of the fittest, but growing exclusively outdoors, they are great at surviving all sorts of challenges. With time and warmth, the pokey seeds will germinate and grow! It kind of looks like moss. find specific timelines for various plants listed by growing zone, Bok choy (Brassica rapa subsp. If you choose to use a drill to create around the perimeter of your container, leaving about an inch intact to act as Then I lay a note on my pillow that says DID YOU RE-COVER YOUR CONTAINERS? We do mist the seedlings in our milk jugs. As for boxwood, I propagate the plants this way: https://www.agardenforthehouse.com/2014/09/how-i-propagate-boxwood/. In my last email–the “them” refers to your brussel sprout plants. Jan. Hi Jan – You could spritz the seedlings, but here’s an even better watering-method: Put the jugs in a large pail of water, and leave them there for about 20 minutes. Hello. Required fields are marked *. You may have tried it yourself, in the vegetable garden, sowing spinach and corn salad (mache) in the late fall for harvesting soon after the snow melts. To create your miniature greenhouses that It appears I am a few years late with my comment! ~ Peg, Kevin, This is my first year winter sowing . Now you’re ready to get a jump on spring with winter sowing. More Plants!) I live in Spokane wa when will they sprout? Perhaps I’ll try again next winter. The following types of flowers,herbs,  perennials, and vegetables are good bets for season. or hardening off. greenhouses outdoors that lets them get some rain will work fine for now. Hello Kevin and everyone. Of about 10 different perennials, only about 2 actually survived to plant. Thanks Kevin. container of the right size and shape that will hold three or four inches of By fall, they'll have nice root systems, and I'll plant them out into the garden. Keep watch for a few years on your weather and make sure you are listed correctly. I welcome the thought of working far ahead of time for a great reward later. Divide your thickest flats of seedlings into smaller hunks to make plugs to plant. As of now only batchelors button has sprung up and looks great but everything else-columbine, snapdragon, foxglove, agastache to name a few have no signs of life yet. Click the link that reads: Winter-Sowing 101 for more details. Kevin, I noticed there was a green substance covering the soil. Then winter sown seedlings begin to grow inside of containers that act It would be nice to plant in the pot I intend to grow in and just thin out as opposed to transplanting. Containers with lids give you the added benefit of being able to pop the To remove these 5 tall youngsters from their milk jug quarters, I simply held one hand against the soil, and then inverted the jug. More winter-sowing features at A Garden for the House: Transplants can be more resistant to insect and other pest pressure because they are more mature and stronger when you first put them into your garden. My own seeds are under 18 inches of snow! Carrots. Learn how your comment data is processed. In all my years of transplanting winter-sown seedlings, I don’t think I’ve lost a single plant. If your seedlings have grown truly thick in a Remember, these babies were not coddled indoors under “grow” lights. See local frost dates. Then slice the seedlings lengthwise and crosswise, as if you were dealing with a pan of My Very Serious Brownies. I’m with you on alyssum — it’s one of the best edging plants, plus it offers sweet perfume. Could that have been what went wrong? Winter sowing to the rescue! I am in zone 6a. It makes me wonder if the layer is preventing those seeds from germinating. Garlic. WinterSown's Hunk-O-Seedling transplant method will help you to quickly and easily pant your garden. I do my Solstice Sow seeds usually on December 21st but some years I've been out visiting or too busy with family festivities. Your email address will not be published. Please advice. What To Winter-Sow…and When. Later that season, the Brussels sprouts greeted me with…of all things…Brussels sprouts. So be brutal when you separate the seedlings. Missouri is bad for freeze and thaw. I live in the PNW, our climate is dismal but not severe. Most of my jugs hold seeds for perennials and many of them are types that need cycles of freezing and thawing to break dormancy and sprout. (Probably I should move the link front and center! Should I water them? Do you have an educated guess. Do not sow too early in the season or you’ll end up having to transplant seedlings into bigger containers more often because conditions outside still aren’t suitable for outdoor planting. This is my first blog post pertaining to growing trees from winter sown seeds. don’t worry if you need to tear the roots to separate the seedlings. Seeds cost money and may be highly valuable when trying to grow a survival garden. Always enjoy receiving your garden advise. Then cut almost all the way I’m in zone 5-b, too! Replaced the milk jugs and hoped. But these seedlings, which were born outdoors, are tougher than you might imagine. I’ve just used a mister on them in order to keep them moist, especially since I’m not seeing a lot of condensation on the jug. Hi Kristy – I sow seeds of vegetables and tender annuals in milk jugs in April. with water and freeze them before you begin. Spring arrived very late here (and, heaven help us, another cold-front is headed this way), so winter-sown seeds will be slow to germinate this year. phrases, which are signals that you can use winter sowing. And when did you harvest them? Thanks for the reminder that I can and should do this. K.R. I have sown about 70 containers. Your email address will not be published. Kevin, you inspired me to really push the season and try a modified version of winter sowing, by removing the bottoms of the milk jugs which I obtained by making all my friends remove their milk jugs from their recycle bins and give them to me. This week, I received the following email from reader Brick: Kevin, you’re extremely good looking. protect winter sown seeds from the cold, you’ll need some plastic containers. soil. Winter sowing is a method of sowing seeds in a container and putting them outside in the sun and letting Mother Nature do the job, like a mini-greenhouse! Different Methods for Sowing Seeds. Love the mixer didn’t know there was such great colors.Im still talking about the blue one! My students were overjoyed except fp Blaine who is a fierce gardener and was making plans to move out your way. It is my first time trying winter sowing. Hello Kevin, Happy Valentine’s Day and thank you for your informative website. Kevin, seeds as directed. What do I do come spring? Winter Sowing (Yes You Can Garden in Winter) - Gingham Gardens The winter sowing method uses clear bottles, such as milk jugs, as small greenhouses. In no rain CA. I’d be curious to hear your thoughts on this. Love sharing all your positive posts and energy! Formerly from Kansas but Tina from SW Iowa now. Zone 7 is not suppose to go beyond 0 degrees. Can seeds be done in my garage, zone 5??? I was so inspired by your blog post that in late January I scavenged seven milk jugs and sowed two varieties of clematis, black eyed susan, geranium, vernonia and swiss chard. Do I WS them now? Hope this tip isn’t redundant. Thank you for being so prompt! I do enjoy. My phone number is 212-xxx-xxxx. Any thought are appreciated. Whatever your reasons are for winter sowing, Check the seed packaging You can save yourself the I’ve kept an eye on them and misted with a spray bottle through the tops occasionally to be sure nothing dried out. seedlings into the garden, hold your hand over the top of the container and Seed is relatively inexpensive and we should sow many more seeds than will reasonably germinate. In addition to giving you a head start on your Hardy winter sown seedlings can be transplanted as soon as the soil is workable in early spring. their containers, winter sown seedlings will become entangled at the roots, or stand in the way of them getting some rain. You treat your winter sown seedlings just like you would any other seedling. I”m thinking on WS brussel sprouts. Quite different climate from the zone 6 to which I was accustomed. Sounds easy? When the seedlings have produced at least two sets of true leaves, it is time to transplant them into individual containers to allow the roots to grow and then transplant them into the garden. I just want to ask your opinion on sowing seeds in newspaper pots then put inside the milk jugs for winter sowing? tough enough to bounce back from this manhandling treatment. Wait until April for the warm season veggies that are frost-tender such as cucumbers, pumpkins, peppers and of course, tomatoes! a hinge for your lid. Hi Lisa – I transplanted the winter-sown Brussels sprouts in late May, and harvested in November. Seed starting mix is for seeds. Any thoughts on what the issue is? It will be my first time to winter sow this season. Well, Brick, let me answer your most important questions. Hello Kevin, I am in zone 6a (Indianapolis). Algae forms under warm, moist conditions. A very good writer and understander of the people who you focus on. And they have the bonus of being good reseeders in the garden, I love their volunteer seedlings each spring. top off to let in some rain when plants need water—or seal the container if Also, when you winter-sow seeds, do the roots get entangled in their gallon-size milk or water containers? When is the right time to transplant winter sown plants in the garden beds? Do I need to water them at all? When is the right time to transplant winter sown plants in the garden beds? I appreciate all of the wisdom and knowledge you share on this site. Trudi of WinterSown.Org – Nice to see you here! .. and this is an awesome blog! In your pictures above, when did you transplant them into your garden. Many are doing wonderfully. Perennials usually get potted up in quart or gallon pots. I plan to repeat my gamble every 2 weeks. Hi Debra – The sign-up link for my email newsletter at the very end of this post. The layer of green seems more prominent on the containers that have not sprouted anything yet. I tried winter sowing for the first time this year. Many insect pests just love teeny tiny seedlings. I had great success with gardening in the past – just need a decent place for it now which is not easy to find in Colorado. If so, how do you separate and transplant the seedlings? It’s February and I am already planting my tree seeds for spring! We start collecting milk/water/juice clear jugs from November on… I have been a gardener for 74 years and always looking for new ideas. Have fun with your project! starting seeds in winter doesn’t have to be confusing. It’s hard to duplicate this indoors, even with refrigerator stratification. Since it is so dry here and so warm right now, i have felt I needed to lightly spritz some of my babies. And planted them individually in a raised bed. as miniature greenhouses to keep the young plants safe and warm. Kevin, They tend to have significantly less transplant shock than seedlings from a nursery. My grandma used to winter sow this way. ready to be planted in their permanent spots in your garden according to each The seed lies dormant all winter and is ready to sprout the first chance it gets, in the spring. I was very pleasantly surprised! I use a clip clothes pin on the bottom rim then rest the top of the milk jug on the pin to vent the container. And don’t worry — you will not harm the plants! Don’t miss anything at A Garden for the House…sign up for Kevin’s email updates! Winter sowing allows me to start even more plants from seed (YEA! Use a pocketknife, ice pick, or other sharp You may have accidently snapped them. But I digress, we love purple and covet the mixer. One-gallon milk jugs work perfectly, or you can use materials such as two-liter Required fields are marked *. compost, fish emulsion (or anything, for that matter)? They were in sun most of the day now I’ve moved them to full all day sun. Hi Pauline – Winter-sowing refers to outdoor seed germination. This is such a great idea, I have about 15 jugs under the snow right now and have another 15 to work on. With all the benefits that come along with starting seeds in winter, there’s really no reason to wait until the warm weather rolls in to get started on your springtime garden. Be Hi Attila – Native seeds (plants) are tough as nails. I obviously did something wrong. tool to punch a few drainage holes in the bottom and about half an inch up the container that’s easy to cut with scissors, you can simply remove the front, so be sure the seeds you’re planning to use will work.

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