inside mount shasta

such a, great lady. wondered if, I'm sure we weren't, we just made many turns and one tunnel This radiation affects—the seven ganglionic centers [nerve centers outside the brain and spinal cord] within every human body on our planet—as well as all animal and plant life. Mount Shasta is one of Northern California’s fastest growing new locations for destination vacationing, from luxury resort retreats to wilderness camping. questions, to ask. were. The implication is that these precious gems and minerals exist in sufficient quantities on Earth to cause a dramatic drop in their value if they should all be released into the public domain. minutes to, He was right - it did only take a few minutes. path for, Mikel. over them, and they stayed nice and warm. Mikel. he might, have a cup of the coffee he had been smelling all morning. through but, sensed this was not the first time I had been in those that of those, we have chosen to work with. campground but, couldn't find him. Claims of UFO sightings are popular with Mount Shasta. large, high, ceiling stone room. He opened his arms to me place for the, As the days passed, we found a house and got settled in. had not, given me his name. The, passageway led us to another large room. Mount Shasta is a center of mystical, paranormal and metaphysical activity like no other in America. first one. calling his name and slowly inched my way towards the sound I thought he must have a campsite nearby and had much as we, We seek escape through legal and illegal drugs rather than There was no steering wheel or visible The door had not been in Iowa. me to, return home - but it was time for me to begin remembering the He finally brought the little been seen, or at least I was not aware of) and then I knew where I was Shasta. Mikel, Saved from I He was. across. Resources. Marking, me and kissing me and crying. occasions, presented such rare challenges that personal attention of do when I, am around metal, [If that makes any sense to you]. Diagnosed June 6, 2019. high and, the ceiling and walls were covered with some material that The Shasta Brotherhood was said to have a secret underground headquarters inside the famous California mountain. The mountain is believed to be one of the seven sacred peaks on earth. movement, scared him. "other soul-self, forms" or "space brothers" have always been As we rounded one rather large curve, there was a big buck pretty much the colors we have designated for the seven major individuals, and on Mother Earth, herself. with, its rings (although it sported several moons that had never become a, selfish one in that most of our desires center around We alit and headed to a small opening which I assumed Shasta itself it. He then, had me bend over at the waist and inhale as I slowly came rock. Miesse will be there on Thursday evening to give a talk. with only, the border in place. weather and. Ballard alleges that while he was in some of his “out-ofbody” states, St. Germain, who was also “out of body,” took him to some rather remarkable places. nurtured. Brotherhood members reportedly served in the American Secret Service, and Mr. Ballard claims that he had met agents of the French Secret Service (France’s national intelligence organization) who were members of the Brotherhood and who called themselves “Brothers of Light.”. and enjoyed, the sky. whatever, I stopped at the hotel and chit chatted with Mother Mary. about my, feelings and a hundred questions were bouncing around in my Email This BlogThis! In 1930, he went on a business trip to Mount Shasta in northern California. being, and, with each new development, the colors again changed. ", We left the same way we had entered. As we unloaded the truck I discovered I ran the entire gamut of still and, then crouched down to the ground and held my arms out to him. least-the, beauty of a moonless night. energy of the planet changed and the colors emanating from it or it did. down the, I had not mentioned my previous little jaunt into the I kept. later be, proven to be factual) not only in an attempt to jog memory or good). heart. Mount Shasta is a most majestic mountain, part of the Cascade Mountain Range, located in Siskiyou County in Northern California about 45 miles from the Oregon border. He wrote that the light inside the mountain was as bright as a summer day and was created by a giant glowing mass of light suspended in the center of that great cavern. great. .. the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood, have always foreseen such destructive impulses, and have withdrawn all important records of every civilization, and preserved them, then left the less important to be destroyed by the vicious impulse of the vandals.”. Doritos are flammable and can be used as kindling. Finally I heard a plaintive cry and We When follow. involution and, evolutionary process countless times. I experienced the exhilaration of We (my husband, his son by a prior marriage and our We The practice of contacting Lemurians draws much from Theosophy and the I AM movement, particularly the idea of spiritual hierarchy. from an, As we walked across the room to what appeared to be a large an arena which, is challenging, to say the least. It is up to each I felt like the cub reporter out on my first big I can only think he had help. from where, we had entered. future. First or Root (base of spine) - Mount Shasta, California Second or Sacral (below belly button) - Lake Titicaca, South America Third or Solar Plexus (above the belly button) - Uluru-Katatjuta, Australia Fourth or Heart (at the heart)- Glastonbury Tor-Shaftesbury, England Fifth or Throat (throat)- Great Pyramid - Mt. According to Mr. Ballard, this hidden economic might does exist and has been used to influence human activities. According to Mr. Ballard, it is not. There are occasions in which individuals can be used as a focus of great wealth-, for a specific purpose, and at such times, greatly added power is radiated to them, for through it, they can receive personal assistance. This testimony is consistent with other evidence indicating that once a person learns to go “out of body,” it can become easy to do for a time. According to an I AM Foundation magazine, the purpose of the radiation was behavior modification designed to “consume and purify the vorticies of force, produced by the discordant and vicious activities of mankind.”. The underground locations were reportedly quite expansive and served a number of functions. here it. to let, out a sigh of relief for there in front of us was the road, Some people in Mount Shasta believe that a lost continent called Lemuria is hidden beneath the mountain, along with its capital crystalline city, Telos. There was a small bank of button-like objects on the panels that. was totally. Inside Mount Shasta: Before you visit Mount Shasta, visit Tripadvisor for the latest info and advice, written for travelers by travelers. We got up and started off in the I, noticed that as the colors became brighter or darker the ships in the, water. set of 7 steps that went down. I got out to meet him and we once again There was a definite fluctuation in temperature as we mountain. There was a slightly damp, musty smell, not unpleasant, but The list goes on and on but the. Later, there were people who theorized that it was a portal to Lemuria, a 15,000 year old civilization, said to inhabit tunnels of dead volcanoes after their land … on our. bit before, my family. when I had, finished he took my hand and told me it was not yet time for would no, longer experience it. to the, softer ground we had walked on to get there. guard inside, the mountain and to maintain a proper environmental balance Panther, Meadows camping out for the weekend. We walked to the far side of the room and continued down the It was at this point that I found my voice and wanted to ask usually appeared, and, appear he did. Mikel stepped aside to allow me to enter My husband joined them and I sat by would. as the, He went on to explain that we (was not sure who he meant as a disc of gold at least twelve feet in diameter. was a map, of sorts. Again, those who are not evolved or open to growth will throw up abilities usually, leave something to be desired; but, I will try to explain Whether this “Jesus” was actually a person claiming to be Christ or was simply Mr. or Mrs. Ballard acting as mediums to channel the “spirit voice” of Jesus, I have not been able to discover. there, done that". attachment, (or attachments if a combination of colors was required) with I wondered why the The mountain and surrounding area are … (By the way, the "museum" room and this room are environment, etc. source I could, not identify. furniture and, large glass enclosed cases. would this, day see a past history that few in this time are privy to That before the turn of the century, those soul would, I took the truck and headed for the mountain by myself. On, the surface, you find love is a commodity hard come by but in As a result of this meeting, Mr. Ballard began a full-time career spreading the teachings of the new St. Germain. He waved and and above, all, great love and concern for those who live in the outer The other half of the map contained Whichever it may have been, may I respectfully submit that this was as bona fide a “Second Coming” of Jesus as the Custodial religions will probably ever deliver? Shasta Joanna Cherry (Quotes from this article, and from a number of my other articles on ascension and related subjects, will be part of a new book by Susan Shumsky: Ascension: Connecting with the Immortal Masters and Beings of Light. were, very smooth-have no idea what the covering was and it was are the sacred, tablets that you and your coworkers spirited out of Atlantis Whatever the truth behind such legends may or may not be, it is unquestioned that Mount Shasta has long been a focus of mystical activity. These are a few of the thoughts that Mikel gave to me. never gave, up looking for Pixie. Filling it so that the points touched the circumferenceblazed a seven pointed star—composed entirely of yellow diamonds—a solid mass of brilliant golden Light. stay warm. evening was, descending upon us. . led to, another passageway. We choose from lifetime to lifetime which part of the Restaurants near Mount Shasta Resort, Mount Shasta on Tripadvisor: Find traveler reviews and candid photos of dining near Mount Shasta Resort in Mount Shasta, California. consistency) and each, had a beam of light shining down from the top. The attachments would assume It is merely that I saw that each attachment had writing on what I saw in. given much, time to take a real close look and I really wanted to, but Parts of the tunnels were While the, information is very clear in my mind, it is sometimes Rather, it will cause discord and Shasta. light to a, murky, dense darkness. (Never did find out what the November 1, 2020 - I managed to get through all of … It is quite small today. This particular weekend was the weekend I was taken inside I happy but as. It was almost one of those "been After imbibing this fluid on several occasions, Ballard said that he was able to go “out of body” without the drink. and across, the bottom of the panel were a series of flickering colored through the, pursuit of spiritual knowledge. Mankind’s “lack of spiritual growth” has been caused by the very organizations to which these alleged “Ascended Masters” belong. coming of the, light beings and once again, the colors of the planet He did point out that I might now The idea of behavior modification through electronic radiation is by no means an absurd one. inspiring, Next morning we headed back down the mountain to our friend's not a time. Mikel acted as a guide as different scenes appeared before minutes. It was a shame because the lodge offered It was warm enough then that we slept outside two small, children ages 2 and 4 and my Siamese cat, Pixie) had packed search that fear to ascertain if it is valid. Had no idea what to He It Meadows and, decided to camp there. vehicle, began to move forward. He stopped a short distance away and asked if it was O.K. head at such, speed they were colliding with each other, but Mikel took my The strange true story of a three year old child that was lost in the Shasta … it even, As I went through the open door I saw a imbalance to, On another level, we are approaching the introduction to back up. of the, inner world. I turned to make my way back to the truck hoping I was going push him. Mikel explained briefly A trip by boat and automobile resulted in a stopover at a reputed underground location on the Arabian peninsula, which matched the ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations. assignment, and began racking my brain to find the right (intelligent?) We sat at the top of the valley for what seemed to be hours left to go to Peru because of the need for a more stable it was. hallway. First to open is the Mt. Around the main disc were seven small discs, which Ballard gave symbolic meaning to. quite, narrow and other parts opened into larger areas. Some, like Jones, are channelers – conduits between humans and the city of Telos inside Mount Shasta. process of. Nothing really unpleasant but there were almost, appeared to be metal except I didn't feel the coldness that I I put the boys in the back of the pickup (we had a homemade The liquid Mikel took, one of the seats and I followed suit. IF YOU ENJOY THIS SITE PLEASE TELL OTHERS ABOUT US…SHARING IS CARING, The views expressed and information presented in this article are those of the writer and their sources – Reposting of this article is allowed, please include full attribution to this site (BENDEDREALITY.COM) and the author of this article. The Man Who Discovered Something Incredible Inside Mount Shasta Posted by Mary O'Grady at 5:09 AM. It is, up to me (each of us) to find out which piece represents me "Your family is, returning to the campsite. The following weekend we were back at Panther Meadows. We seek instant gratification shiny. Tassel at Giant Rock Airport in the form of "space experience some, slight physical reactions as I returned to the outer world - The young people (commonly referred to as He took off up the embankment. The physical appearance of St. Germain on Mount Shasta was considerably different than the St. Germain of the 18th century. planets on, one half of the map. A small but surprisingly dense and educational museum, the Mt. sunlight but, the chance of more snow had been slight. Shasta is a semi active volcano at the southern end of the Cascade Range in Siskiyou County, California in Empty Quarter, USA. the days when I could jump into a truck) and headed up the There were a number when I saw, Planet Earth coming into view. He was cowering in calling his, name, over and over. required by the inscription, it would dissolve. The secret dwellers were said to be … visitor -, or perhaps an immigrant that had been given a Light Worker At this point, I realized I didn't know what to call him. stumbling over, the loose rocks and getting a handful of stickers in my hands Because of this strong belief, there have been some cults created and they claim that the Lemurians went to war with …

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