funny questions to ask a firefighter

While waiting at the back of the line he saw a sedan pull up with red lights and a man got out wearing a white helmet that said "CHIEF". If you are looking for few fun questions to ask friends then we have brought up the list of top 100 funny questions that you can ask to your dearest buddies. A: Lawn chair. Soon they had snuffed out the center of the fire, breaking the blaze into two easily controllable parts. Silly Questions to Ask a Girl Finally, when the flames began to scorch his butt, Jose announced he had changed his mind, was ready to jump and then leaped off the rooftop. 101 Funny Questions to Ask a Girl . Well, everything went well for some time then one day they passed a very attractive and well put together young lady. A comprehensive database of more than 12 firefighter quizzes online, test your knowledge with firefighter quiz questions. Lv 4. He came back a half hour later with a 6-point buck. We can go to the zoo or to the lake on Thursday when everyone else is working and we get to spend a lot of days with the kids in the summer. The farmer said they renamed him CHIEF and now all he does is sit on his ass and bark all the time. Q: What word begins with the letter "F" and ends in "UCK"? Do chicks really dig firefighters? So the redhead jumped. I saw what you did to my two friends. All rights reserved. The captain replied, "I walked out a hundred feet, followed some tracks and shot this buck." And more! The chief replied, "I walked out there five hundred feet, followed some tracks, and got hit by a train.". Firefighting can be an emotionally and physically demanding career, but an extremely rewarding one for the right candidate. How hot does it really get? Can you just drive a fire truck anyway you want? Published Nov 1, 2016. There will be two interviewers for the Firefighter recruitment interview. When the fire department arrived they got out a blanket held it up and the Chief called out to the brunette to jump into the blanket. They came across an old shack where they went inside to play a game of poker. A short time later seaweed started coming out, then minnows, then more water started coming out of the boys mouth. He told them Rex was no longer any good for hunting and didn't have a replacement for him and to tell the Corona firemen they were not welcome there any more and that if he saw them he would probably shoot them for what they did to Rex. When asked what they would do with the money one said, "Get them damn brakes fixed we figure.". How does working a 24 hour shift affect your family life? The angels popped to attention and let the chief enter heaven. Engineers. Funny Questions to Ask Friends: Questions when asked by parents or teachers are always irritating. As the fireman turned to watch her pass his wings fell off. Ask people anything about their jobs Login Register The firefighters then held the blanket back up and the Chief told the redhead to jump. The probationary firefighter will be focused on studying and learning the job as well as learning the basic things that are required of them as a rookie firefighter. A woman was stuck on the fourth floor with her baby. You want an organized collection of funny things to ask a girl, and here they are. (In many countries, firefighters have to pass an … Why do firemen wear red suspenders? ", Q. ""Well," the man answers, "the house next door is on fire and I don't want you to trample my front yard.". A. Hosea and Hoseb. The farmer was so impressed with the volunteer fire department's work and so grateful that his farm had been spared, that he presented the volunteer fire department with a check for $1000. The brunette jumped. The chief not wanting to be out done said "I am out of here, I am g oing to bag the biggest buck of the day." 2 not-so-common firefighter interview questions You may encounter a question that is very unique and designed to see how well you can think on your feet. Seems the Shah of Iran was visiting Disneyland with his young son. What usually comes after the monster lights the birthday candles? What does CHAOS stand for? The angels replied, "You'll have to wait in line like everyone else, sir." A fireman and policeman died and both went to heaven where they were issued their wings with the warning that if they had even one bad thought their wings would fall off. We also respond to EMS calls, calls for people locked out of their house, and occasionally we get called to get a cat out of a tree. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Three firefighters went out on a hunting trip. The most common call other than a fire is a false alarm. "Mr Graham sir, White Hart Lane is on fire!" We respond to these calls, find the cause and then reset the alarm system. Is cereal soup? Every guy needs to know funny questions to ask a girl... because: The science is in. The remote control slips from his hand. 25 Firefighter Interview Questions. They will probably take turns throughout the Interview to do both these things, mainly to give the one who is doing all the writing a rest! The Son said, "A Mickey Mouse Outfit." Suddenly a small town department drove their truck right into the fire and emerged 10 minutes later with the formula. You still have to judge your audience (and there may be a few on this list that are a little to racey for some company, so choose your words wisely) but you can rest assured that the funny guy or gal at the table is always a hit! One year they did't go hunting and the farmer rented Rex out to some Corona City Firemen who used him that season. He told the fire department that he needed a secret formula in the safe that was in the center of the blaze, and he would give 10,000 dollars to the department that got the formula. "Mr Graham sir, White Hart Lane is on fire! A good cook is very hard to find. What other calls do you go on besides fires? Don't just say you like it, anyone can make that claim. What would your autobiography be called? The captain and chief asked, "how did you get that?" Elaborate on your leadership skills. Search the website! A.Take away the HEAT , FUEL , OXYGEN , or the CHIEF! When 12 departments couldn't subdue the blaze the owner saw this he raised the reward to 100,000 dollars. Many other occupations may work a shift on a holiday, but they are still home for a good portion of that day. Describe your life using film titles. In her nervousness, she forgot to pull the pin. Here are some of the common questions and some answers. A fire started on some grassland near a farm in Indiana. Jose kept prancing around while repeating the same phrase over and over until the firemen got really sick and tired of hearing it. The volunteer fire department arrived in a dilapidated old fire truck. Are there any diseases or illnesses that will hinder you in your job of a firefighter? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. the fireman says. Example: "I'm intrigued by the potential for … Advanced technology, new methodologies and changes in the economy or political landscape can all impact the public service industry. 4. How do you get down from an aerial ladder? One day a boy was drowning in a near by lake. © 2020 Girls are more inclined to like a guy who tries to be funny, according to multiple studies. He came back an hour later, all mangled up and bloody. If the panel doesn’t ask you if you have any questions for them (I’d be surprised if they didn’t), then no. A. K 9 P. Q.What do you get when you cross a Fire Chief two Lotus Notes Gurus? To which the angels replied, "You have it all wrong, sir. We also train on the signs that a building is about to collapse, and we know the difference. A. I think some people confuse a burning building with a collapsing building. Q.How do you put out a fire? Firefighters are some of the bravest people out there. Save the cups!" In a few situations, everyone brings their own food and we eat on or own. The son seemed to be having a good time but had that look that something else was on his mind. ‘Dream come true’: EMTs give paralyzed Cubs fan lift to Wrigley Field, Obama vetoes 9/11 bill to let victims sue Saudi Arabia. A. "I am sorry" said the Chief, "My wife was a brunette and she divorced me. Some good questions to ask: What training is required to become a firefighter? I don't see why a firefighter interview would be any different. ""Very nice," the firefighter says, "but what does that have to do with the fire service? This site is owned and operated by Bright Mountain Media, Inc., a publicly owned company trading with the symbol: Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Well the farmer said last year when they rented Rex it all started off fine until one of the Corona guys decided to rename him. Kids ask a million questions, some of them cute, some crazy, and some are pretty good. How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant? It’s important to ask questions to both probationary & senior firefighters because they have very different responsibilities in the department. A part of the reason is because a lot of times these, unlike the who, what, and why questions don’t relate exactly to you, your knowledge, skills and abilities. How do you and your family members look at your work schedule? cries George. Post a Job. Would you rather questions – Always good for a fun hypothetical conversation. That's God, he just thinks he's a Fire Chief.". Firefighter JOKES Find our set of funny Firefighter Jokes below! I'm a fire chief." They’re workers in the public’s service so hiring criteria should extend beyond their capabilities to do the job. What is a shift like? Plus a lot of the questions can lead to some pretty funny answers. There are a lot of different causes for false alarms. What kind of ears do pumpers have? He told himself, "I'm a fire chief, I'm not going to wait in line." I just don't like brunettes. The fire proved to be more than the small town fire department could handle, so someone suggested that a rural volunteer fire department be called. The football player made a breathtaking catch, and everybody cheered. With great amazement water was pooring from the boys mouth. We ll whats wrong with that they asked. When you meet a new group of people, it is common to get the same questions over and over all night long. The captain then said, "I've had enough of this I am going to get my deer." You have entered an incorrect email address! "OK I'll jump - but first I want you to lay the blanket on the ground, back away, and then I'll jump into it. "That should be obvious," he responded, "the first thing we're gonna do is get the brakes fixed on that stupid fire truck.". The content of this webpage may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written consent of Bright Mountain Media, Inc. which may be contacted at, ticker BMTM. The fire was getting worse and her only chance of survival was to jump. There's nothing different with firefighter interviews than other interviews.It's you across a table with 3-7 individuals (usually firefighters) and they ask around 10 questions.The interview can … If you are looking for other ways to create a more cohesive and productive team culture, consider investing in a day of challenging activities to bring your group together and boost morale. By submitting this form, you hereby agree that we may collect, store and process your data that you provided. "Uh, the fire hasn't spread to the canteen yet, sir.". By . "That's easy, each time one of your friends mess up on earth, their clock speeds up one hour." Sometimes the station has a regular cook. What did he name them? There was a rookie, a captain, and a chief. The R.F.D. "No way! A thoughtful answer to this question demonstrates your commitment to a long-term career as a firefighter. Q: Why don't Deputy Fire Marshals look out the window in the morning? Responding to emergency situations requires passion and a dedication. exclaimed the redhead. Working one day and being off for two days is a simple concept but unless you or a family member work that shift you wouldn’t understand. We’ve put together below some silly and funny questions you can start your remote meeting, to use as icebreakers to create a fun and lighthearted vibe. Do you take a civil service exam, get hired then get trained or do you have to receive the training on your own first? Does the department assist with CEUs? We go into burning buildings all the time, but we rarely go into buildings that are about to collapse. He said that he was a professional football player and that he could catch the baby safely. Firefighter Interview Questions. A.The Chiefs Have Arrived On Scene. On the way down 'swoosh' the firefighters pulled the blanket away and she hit the pavement like a tomato!" Our online firefighter trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top firefighter quizzes. They drove straight towards the fire and stopped in the middle of the flames. A few funny questions can be the difference between a long, boring, or awkward night and a great, lengthy, and fruitful conversation. The instructor hinted, "Like a hand grenade, remember?" The blonde thought for a moment. A firefighter died and went to hell where he finds a wall of clocks. This collection of funny questions to get to know your team can be an entertaining and enjoyable way to grow closer and more acquainted with the people you work with. When you are a firefighter, people of all ages ask you a bunch of questions. ""The cups man! Tom replied, "I'm not, but my girlfriend's husband is...", A fire broke out in a six story apartment building last week in a near by town. says the devil. If animals could talk, which would be the rudest? I saw what you did to my friend." These are questions I like to ask to get a better idea of what the crew and area are like before I commit to a new job. 2. These Firefighter Questions are very important for campus placement test and job interviews. Q: What is the first thing off the truck at a trailer fire? 0 2. thesagittariansprince. Later an employee was selected to extinguish a controlled fire in the parking lot. A crowed watched as the firefighter frantically pumped on the boys chest. So how can we normal people use some humour into a conversation? Q: Did you know that the three wise men were firemen? In your previous firefighting jobs, what type of water pumps have you used? After loosing a couple of hands, the rookie threw down his cards and said "that does it! Is there any funny things that you see on calls? The Fire brigade phones George Graham in the early hours of Sunday morning. ... "I feel like I can become a better fire fighter in areas such as showing my leadership skills. How many firemen does it take to change a light bulb? Fun questions to ask a girl – Even more fun questions to ask! It will not happen again, just jump!" ", A man calls the fire department and says, "Yes, I have just had my front yard landscaped, I have a nice new flower bed, a new fish pond with a fountain and a new rose garden. Fifteen minutes later, the rookie came back with a nice four point buck. Things looked grim until a tall, well-built black man burst through the crowd and shouted to the women. These tend to give candidates a really hard time. A: So they have something to do in the afternoon. Girls love a guy who can make them laugh and laughter is one of the many things that helps keep relationships alive! Q. When confronted by his boss the man explained: "You can't park anywhere near this place! There are also some great benefits to working that shift. There was a huge fire at a big city soda factory. and quickly moved it aside. ""I'm sorry" said the Chief, "I explained what happened to the brunette and when the redhead jumped we were a little distracted. How do you eat dinner at the firehouse? The best situation is a good cook who has the support of the entire shift. ", The Volunteer Fire Chief in a small town had just been buried. A local news reporter asked the volunteer fire captain what the department planned to do with the funds. Knock knock jokes! He went to the angels guarding the gates and said, "Let me in. What did the fireman's wife get for Christmas? Q. When he bent over to pick them up the policemans wings fell off. cries George. That cook can be counted on to make something good every day that will make everyone happy. The Scott Firefighter Stairclimb is a timed race up the stairs at the Columbia Center in downtown Seattle in full fire gear and SCBA. They're even "fast" asleep! Wow, we really do have a lot on the site. 5. We eat at the firehouse the same as you eat at home. There are good and bad to the shifts, but the good things outweigh the bad. When the employees of a restaurant attended a fire safety seminar, they watched a fire official demonstrate the proper way to operate an extinguisher. The fire department from the nearby town was called to put the fire out. Still can't find what you're looking for? Keep in mind, too, that sometimes the humor isn’t so much in the question as in the answers it could lead to. You don't get down from an aerial ladder. 4. The chief asked, "how did you get that?" It turns out a bit of light-hearted comedic banter is doable for just about anyone. The firemen begged and pleaded but to no avail. The Shah asked, "What do you really want, Son?" Focus instead on your history with the industry, and if you can, tell a story about it. What is the work schedule? 9 Funny Tales From Firefighters That Will Leave You In Stitches. With 100 or more applicants potentially competing for a single opening, your answers must convince the interview panel that you're the best candidate for the job. guys asked the farmer what the Corona boys did that could be so bad. Four of the firemen held a safety-net and urged him to escape from the burning building by jumping into the net. We have gathered 15 funny interview questions that help you get to know the person behind the CV so you’re in for no nasty shocks when you hire someone: 1. An hour later no ground was gained and a mutual aid call was put out. The rookie replied, "I walked out fifty feet, followed some tracks and shot this buck". In the white collar world, job candidates are fully expected to ask good questions at the end of their interviews. The standard questions I always got were.. What is the craziest call you ever ran on? Going into a burning building is not really that big of a deal to a firefighter. 8. The volunteer firemen jumped off the truck and frantically started spraying water in all directions. Grace Eire. The rookie and captain asked, "what happened to you?" The devil replied, "Oh him, we have his down in the basement, we're using it for a fan. 3. But, you may find them interesting if you are asking the few from your best buddies. Two fellows were sitting in a coffee shop...suddenly the Town's Fire Alarm went off ... one jumped up and headed for the door ... his friend shouted, "Hey, Tom, I didn't know you were a fireman!" The waiting fire chief was pissed and went to talk to the angels. Though there was doubt that they would be of any assistance, the call was made. We practice all the time how a fire reacts inside a building, and we know what to expect. Working a 24 hour shift can be a difficult adjustment. After seeing all these clocks on a wall, with his friends names under them, he asked the devil, what the clocks mean? Q. A man who worked at a fire hydrant factory was always late for work. Here are 81 Funny Questions to Ask at Work. Firefighters hold a high level of responsibility. 1. Situational Questions for Firefighters (How)The dreaded situational questions! Sometimes everyone takes a turn. However, they stopped because a strange, eerie sound suddenly was heard from the grave. Here are some of the most common operational questions you might have to face. That would be the perfect time to stand up, thank them for their time and leave. "Hey Chief! The fire fighters instructed her to toss the child out the window, under which they had placed a net, but the mother refused. All of the firefighters at my station are quick. It could be cooking smoke, spiders in the smoke detector, or dust from construction that causes an alarm to activate. Just then, a paramedic arrived and quickly ran over to the firefighter and b lurted out. A: It says they came from afir (a fire, a far). The next year the Riverside guys went to rent Rex from the farmer for hunting but the farmer had bad news for them. He refused and loudly proclaimed, "I'm Fearless Jose the bullfighter who fears nothing, not even fire." Riddle jokes! ... "If I saw a co worker stealing something I would first confront that person and ask him if he was told by someone else to take whatever it is he took. Each time the firefighter pumped more water came out. The Chiefs Have Arrived On Scene. When it is your kids birthday, your anniversary, or any other special day, you will miss the ENTIRE day. "No I am not jumping. Q.How can you tell when a Chicago Fireman is dead? We have question jokes! Save the cups!" About Jesse Neo | Contact Us | Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy. Dear Readers, Welcome to Firefighter Interview Questions and Answers have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of Firefighter. Lifestyle. After a few minutes more of reassurances by the man, the mother finally let the child drop. The firefighters a gain held up the blanket and the Chief told the blonde to jump. Sometimes you can't think of any questions to ask and every time you try to keep things moving, the conversation fizzles and you're left awkwardly looking at your surroundings. what are some questions you could ask a firefighter in an interview, like about his/her job or something like that? We are not related to any social networking websites. A ladder in her stocking! (The key is to show them that you are not afraid of getting injured, that you know it can happen to a firefighter.) here were these 3 Riverside City Firemen who always went bird hunting together and they always rented a hunting dog name Rex from a local farmer. Hmmm, I've always heard that a well-thought-out question from a candidate can help set that person apart from crowd and end the interview on a high note.

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