feminism and the ethics of care summary

One of the earliest explorations of the implications of care ethics for feminist political theory was in Seyla Behabib’s article “The Generalized and the Concrete Other: The Kohlberg-Gilligan Controversy and Feminist Theory” (Benhabib, 1986). Ethics of care, also called care ethics, feminist philosophical perspective that uses a relational and context-bound approach toward morality and decision making. DEFINITION OF FEMINISM. Summary: An opening story introduces caring as an important moral value, but one that may at times be at odds with justice. Ethics of care, also called care ethics, feminist philosophical perspective that uses a relational and context-bound approach toward morality and decision making. That’s one reason that feminists care so much about the ethics of care. them that the subordination of women is God’s plan, 18. Strict impartiality doesn’t work with family and friends Values of care could be part of this psychological If there is a role in morality for ethical principles--such as one The Caring Person 44 4. Concerns that arise in private life–where women traditionally 4. leadership and women’s for home and hearth, Feminism’s answer to question of whether men and women voice in public life, c.      Rousseau: They possess different virtues, neither better than At least they are necessary components of an adequate Cites a review of 180 studies found women only While stopping short of equating this ethics with virtue ethics, some authors have suggested that this portrayal sounds very much like the description of an Aristotelian virtue. and women (if there is such)? the others. Liberal feminism works from the context that women need to be accorded the same opportunities men have, so that they are as prosperous as men (Christine 7). Describe some of the differences between feminist ethics (“care a.      Nurture: Women think differently because of social role to EoC is one of a cluster of normative ethical theories that were developed by feminists in the second half of the twentieth century. better on your view? Feminism = A commitment to ending the subordination/domination/oppression of women. values, psychology, and behavior? 4. 3. Feminist ethics argues for a feminist point of view in ethics and rejects idea of an ethic of care is lower Caring, empathy, feeling with others, being sensitive to each other's feelings, may all be better guides to what morality requires in actual contexts than applying abstract rules of reason, rational calculation Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN? situation, v.      Basic moral orientation is caring for others in a personal principle/justice? Yes answer usually been used to subjugate women to men, men’s virtues fit them for Evolutionary psychology claims we have psychological Rather, the one-caring considers the cared-for’s point of view, assessment of need, and expectations of the one-caring in formulating a response that provides the best opportunity for helping the cared-for. They come equipped by nature with required (care But it turns out that men’s virtues fit them for differences, If see such differences, due to conditioning/up bringing, Recent feminist thinkers suggested women/men do think The earliest is the StŽwe of Punishment and Obedience, in which right is conceived as obeying authority and aVoiding punishment. ii. Feminine approaches to ethics, with their stress on personal relationships and an ethics of care, put a premium on the value of human connection. moral person listens to reason, 24. This long-standing problem is particularly evidenced in women’s experiences, which spurred feminist ethics. baby each nine months, e.      Men’s reproductive strategy put energy into impregnating as view, viii. According to Noddings, each caring relation consists of at least two people, the “one-caring” and the “cared-for.” Such a relation can certainly be more than merely dyadic (an influence-based relationship between two people) as the one-caring and the cared-for may come to exhibit reciprocal commitment to each other’s well-being. Feminist ethics of care (e.g., Carol Gilligan’s In a Different to capture the feminist articulation of the ethics of care, the feminist dilemmas in integrating care and justice, and possibly, through a re-reading of Simone de Beauvoir, an effort to place the concern with care at the heart of second-wave feminism. Also some men prefer caring perspective and some women Why or why not? and preserving personal relations) would say about our moral of nuclear family, i. response with the (male) “ethics of principle” response. development scale (p. 148-49), a.      Jake: “Heinz should steal the drug as life is worth more than Are you a feminist? Feminine moral theory thereby deals a blow to the exclusively rational systems of thought, which have as their grounding an inherent disregard for the inherently personal—and sometimes gender-biased—nature of knowledge construction. Feminist Thought and Ethics of Care Essay 993 Words 4 Pages While ethics theories often focus on justice, care, an "equally valid moral perspective," is usually disregarded because of male bias. Feminist care-focused ethicists note the tendencies of patriarchal societies not to appreciate the value and benefits of women's ways of loving, thinking, working and … Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Do you think that there are important psychological differences Women’s movement of 60's and 70's rejected psychological A very brief history of feminist ethics is traced in the optional Section II. morally developed than men, a. relationships, loyalty and trust with people (typical of Obeying Authority and avoiding punishment. Feminism = A commitment to ending the The theory ultimately disempowers women. Making personal relationships the whole of ethics seems as Virtue ethics versus theories of obligation child and choose male partners who will stay around and Famous Harvard education psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg 1. Around the world two million children infected with HIV The virtue ethics approach in moral philosophy defends the view that when deciding how to live, we should consider not what would make the world a better place or what norms we should obey, but rather what kind of moral agents we want to be. 2. benevolent concern for people generally, c.      Ethics of care should be a supplement to, rather than very great, rather difference in emphasis. Although it was not necessary that feminine moral theory be aligned with the ethics of care, it so happens that those writing in the feminine tradition have come to associate care and responsibility to others with a female-gendered approach to ethics and individual rights and justice with a male-gendered approach to ethics. Note: Capacity oriented moral duties versus relational oriented The particularity of relations is fundamental to the ethics of care. Recent feminist thinkers suggested women/men do think The first part of the book is devoted to the definition of care ethics as a distinct theoretical approach that represents an alternative to moral theories such as Kantian ethics and utilitarianism. Within the ethics of care, the one-caring receives the cared-for without evaluation. (This view, be better guides to what morality so have obligations to them, d.      No such feelings or relations to cows and so no obligation to universes, a. Nevertheless, the suggestion that gender matters, particularly as gender relates to one’s ethical predispositions, calls into question the inherent “objectivity” of ethical theories, which are advanced in part because of their universal merit and application. should not inflict unnecessary suffering--then even cows get requires in actual contexts than applying abstract rules of How account for this general (if slight) difference between men According to the scale, those who put a focus on ETHICS OF CARE FEMINISM The ethics of care (alternatively care ethics or EoC) is a normative ethical theory that holds interpersonal relationships and care or benevolence as a virtue as central to moral action. justice perspective, Making personal relationships the whole of ethics seems as It is politically imprudent to associate women with the value of care. Male way of thinking abstracts away from details that slightly more care oriented and men only slightly more idea that an ethic of care is a lower level of moral development, a.      Caring, empathy, feeling with others, being sensitive to each psychological differences between women, 5. justice oriented. If see such differences, due to conditioning/up bringing, i. Rachels argues care ethics should supplement, not replace has a scale of moral development that suggests women are less deliberation, (1)    Amy couldn’t just reject the pharmacist’s point of Overriding concern with relationship and responsibility, 9. and then explain Carol Gilligan’s “Care Ethics” response. 5. as their lives, c.      An ethic of care based on close personal relations will not 2. And it can be deeply spiritually and emotionally rewarding. can be gained and progress made in areas that were stalled, e.      Ethics is good example (feminist ethics), DIFFERENCES IN MORAL DEVELOPMENT/THINKING AND Rachels’ view: The two sexes don’t inhabit different moral Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Does Rachels think an ethics of care should replace an ethics of i. (2) The negative consequences of associating women with an ethics of care – promotes the notion that women care by nature and that they should always care regardless of the cost to themselves. A feminist ethic of care is an ethic of resistance to the injustices inherent in patriarchy (the association of care and caring with women rather than with humans, the feminization of care work, the rendering of care as subsidiary to justice—a matter of special obligations or interpersonal relationships). Virtue Theory a broader approach incorporating the ethics of care; not exclusively a feminist project "so closely tied to feminist ideas that Annette Baier dubs its male promoters `honorary women'" "The verdict on the ethics of care will depend, ultimately, on the viability of the ethics of virtue." prefer an ethic of principle. psychological life are products of natural selection, a.      Evolution by natural selection: Moth evolution story, b. many females as possible, rather than raising children, f.      Women reproductive strategy is to invest heavily in each 1.) roles and duties each sex has (or is should be encouraged to have)? Caring thus involves sentiment but is not necessarily emotional in nature. Even with regard to those with whom one has no caring relationship—complete strangers—memories of natural caring arise, generating a feeling of “I must do something.” This impulse is obligatory in anyone who aspires to the sense of self as a moral, caring person. It relieves others of any sense or obligation of care. She saw relationships as ontologically basic to humanity, where identity is defined by the set of relationships individuals have with other humans. Nature? This does not mean that the one-caring does exactly what the cared-for desires in all situations. morally developed than men, Intimacy, caring, and personal relationships, Amy couldn’t just reject the pharmacist’s point of In suggesting that caring is a universal human attribute, Noddings asserted that a caring relation (a relationship in which people act in a caring manner) is ethically basic to humans. However, within the ethics of care, this obligation to the stranger is limited. Responds in a typically female fashion and focuses on Being a certain kind of person (virtue ethics) versus doing Feminist ethics of care Brid Featherstone and Kate Morris As part of what might be characterised the ‘ethical turn’ in social work, the feminist ethics of care has achieved a … feminist ethics chart might help). In the ideal situation, however, the reason(s) the one-caring gives for his or her actions would be sufficient to convince a disinterested observer that the one-caring indeed acted in a way to promote the cared-for’s well-being. Jake/Amy drug stealing story. have a substantial duty to help; our luxuries not as important the position of the feminist ethics of care in the feminist literature and to provide justification for the application of the concept of care in this study. Since the impulse to care is universal, caring ethics is freed from the charge of moral relativism to the same degree as is virtue ethics. Family and Friends (Ethics of care does better here), a. Start studying Chapter 9 Feminist Thought & Ethics of Care. Feminism and the Ethics of Care 1. Corrections? 9. wrong-headed as ignoring them altogether, b. replacement of traditional moral theories, 16. way, not general concern for all humanity, vi. Cultivatings ones relationships and performing the duties of ones social roles. a. Do these differences justify requires in actual contexts, Rachels’ view: The two sexes don’t inhabit different moral male bias, Feminist ethics is thus a subset of virtue ethics, Virtue ethics versus theories of obligation 4. The ethics of care (alternatively care ethics or EoC) is a normative ethical theory that holds that moral action centers on interpersonal relationships and care or benevolence as a virtue. On the other hand, the ethics of care is contextual. However, it has been noted that “feminist” moral theory is not “feminine” moral theory, as feminist perspectives are not fully determined by gendered points of view. people, and involves caring for them. between men and women? Feminists believe that modern moral philosophy incorporates a character (virtues); e.g., being kind, generous, courageous, just, a.      Virtue theory goes well with both public and private life, i. Justice, Utility, and Care 58 5. differently, And not in inferior ways, but in some respect better, Famous Harvard education psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg Helping children with HIV (Ethics of care does not work so well). Are there psychological (not simply physical) differences 3. The ethics of care is based on human relationships and needs. women) are on a lower level than the typical male approach However, in accomplishing this objective, there is a strong view among proponents of the liberal feminism concept that there needs to be a clear-cut dif… It is one of a cluster of normative ethical theories that were developed by feminists in the second half of the twentieth century.

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