This is literally the smallest balance change they could make to the crutch and still appease everyone that hates the perk. Suggestion. Just like discord is for survivors? This is an issue of unwillingness, not difficulty, the smallest change would actually be to give survivors an exposed notification when gens are done, 6a) adding a totem counter to a perk makes much more sense than basekit because then players will have to consider pros/cons to get what is frankly a strong benefit and killers have it on a perk as well if they want to track it, 6b) don't swing in with "but but but there's a gen counter!" This nerf reduces everyone's duration by 33%. Annoncer med Nerf på DBA. For example don't show the door auras and perhaps block one exit for a period of time. I say you either nerf noed and add other second chance perks for killers or rework noed entirely. Noed can have such a big affect on a game. Continue scrolling to check out complete DBD patch notes. Noed is 100% a gamble for Killers to run, a last resort. Totem never spawn in basement but can be above (Thompson house I think it's called) up stairs on the balcony away from the chest spawn. You gain 5%2% additional
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