cross watcher tarot reading

It may refer to birth, sexual matters or hand-fasting; but it is mainly a card of innocent and romantic love. Faith and Wesley track down and confront Angelus, while Cordelia — the Beast's real master — convinces Connor to keep her pregnancy secret. Old Ones rule Earth and other dimensions before the rise of mortal creatures. An earthly person, strong sexual drives, mind often confused about abstractions. A person who wants to make things balance, who is constantly looking for flaws to correct. The practical element can lead to outright materialism. So while dates noted below are accurate relative to other events, there may occasionally be anachronistic elements, as writers incorporate contemporary references or depictions. TAURUS ♉ You Are All They Ever Wanted!! Gunn finds himself in Eddie Hope's crosshairs and must convince the justice devil that he was not responsible for his actions during the fall. An ice demon shows up at the Hyperion Hotel, using the team's desires for normal lives — particularly at the holidays — to overtake them. Why? Oz returns to Tibet to continue trying to control his werewolf nature, which she fails until Bayarmaa helps him. Angel, Faith, and their allies scramble to complete Giles' resurrection and stop Whistler, Pearl, and Nash from unleashing a magical apocalypse. In the Reversed Position. Rupert "Ripper" Giles admits his failures to his grandmother, Nikki Wood fights against the forces of darkness while protecting her. During the invasion of interdimensional demons on Earth. A noncorporeal Spike finally resolves his centuries-long feud with Dracula when the Count pays a visit to Wolfram & Hart. High quality Leggings by independent artists and designers from around the world. Waxing Moon – The phase of the moon from New Moon to Full Moon. An ancient primal witch assumes the guise of a new teacher in her quest to assemble a new coven — including Willow. Something is killing the city's down-and-outs, and the Angel Investigations team goes undercover to save the day (or night). Billy returns to his town to stop a horde of rapidly multiplying zompires, but he's afraid of what he might have to sacrifice in the process. A mystical drug forces Angelus to revisit the events of his life with Faith as his virtual companion, while Willow struggles to restore his soul. Take note of the advice provided in your Tarot readings, then put the Tarot cards down. Cordelia is invited to become a model, but there is a significant catch: An enchanted pocket mirror that produces unexpected effects. Angel and Spike travel to Italy to recover the body of a demon lord, where they face, Spike and Lorne try to stop the Japanese edition of, The team becomes increasingly concerned about Angel's motives when he pursues membership in a powerful but evil. Please also understand that this is also General energy as continued from the initial reading for the Collective. Ability to, With the Major Trumps: Death and Fool ( & ) --- A person who "can't get away, With the Major Trumps: Temperance and Fool ( & ) --- A person who seems outwardly, With the Major Trumps: Devil and Fool ( & ) --- Unhappiness arising from confusion, With the Major Trumps: Tower and Fool ( & ) --- Delirium, ravings. As Xander and Anya's wedding day arrives, a mysterious visitor gives Xander a desperate warning that makes him question his path. So does this negate the importance of your Sun sign forecast? A mind full of creative ideas. Both Spike and Andrew are imprisoned in Buffy's house, but the group comes under a surprise attack — as does the Watchers Council. Pick the psychic that's right for your question/needs. A demonic illusion makes Buffy believe that she is in a mental institution where she has been hallucinating her past six years. The Slayer, unable to destroy the river goddess Kandida, imprisons her inside a sarcophagus. Xander, Anya, and Dawn speculate on Buffy and Angel's reunion, but a common element in their tales becomes reality. Good question! After sleeping with Darla, Angel realizes the error of his current path and races to save his friends from revenge-seeking. With Glory now aware that Dawn is the Key, the gang flees Sunnydale — pursued by the. A time-traveling Angel works to avert his original siring by Darla, at the risk of introducing a catastrophic paradox. When the "Execute p1" button is clicked the javascript function p1 is executed. Watch and learn as Angel leads his team into a nest of vamps. An East End Watcher is unsympathetic toward his charge, until he is visited by two Slayers from the past and one from the future. Angel takes the team to the opera, but suspects a sinister influence when he realizes it is the exact performance he saw more than a century before. With the Major Trumps: Wheel of Fortune and Fool ( & ) --- Great power of change. William sires and stakes his dying mother. Innocent and protected. Close affinity with nature. Tendency to consider oneself right almost all the time. A tendency to be physically inactive. Taking place during Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Twelve. The vampire Selke allies with an alchemist to restore her appearance, create a breed of super-vampire, and avenge herself on Buffy. During a week off from classes, a herd of bloodthirsty vampires and demons descends upon UC Sunnydale and the surrounding town. Buffy suffers a series of strange, visionary dreams featuring the, As Faith deals with the sudden appearance of. Spike betrays a gang of criminals after stashing their loot beneath a pawnshop's floor, but hd leaves town before collecting it. Fred packs up her car, says goodbye to her parents, and heads to L.A. Charles and Alonna Gunn confront the turned vampire form of the woman who cared for them after their grandmother's death. Can be unstable, untrustworthy. When the sword that killed Angel in Hell goes missing, Angel, Spike, and the. 💞 Spiritual Energy Tarot Reading for Libra Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus, & Cross-watcher. A vampire appears to hide in a department store within a holiday tableau, though appearances may be deceiving. Darla and Angelus, evading Holtz, spend time with vampire couple. A sleep-deprived Buffy has a nightmare in which. Cordelia's skills prove essential when a swarm of demonic rats attacks the mall while she and Buffy are shopping. It includes sources from various media, such as episodes, comics, novels, video games, etc. Negative: Poor money and health. Tends to approach life from many directions at once. The disembodied spirit of former Mayor Wilkins masters bodily possession and goes after Buffy. Spike first hears word of the flesh-manipulating demon, After the vampire Perfect Zheng defeats a drunken Angel in combat, the. Liam coaxes a young woman into joining him in the family's barn. After ostensibly making peace with Angel, Daniel Holtz arranges his own death, making Connor believe that Angel committed the crime. Like Capricorn in the Zodiac. Both Angel and his former teammates find themselves investigating hordes of zombie policemen going after kids on the street. Buffy discovers the source of her new powers, and Twilight is unmasked, prompting an encounter that may trigger a worldwide cataclysm. Angel tries to rescue Darla from Wolfram & Hart as she suffers from guilt over her demonic past and, Angel and Gunn go undercover to foil theft of a. Angel enters into a trio of deadly trials to help the terminally-ill Darla, but Lindsey has his own scheme to return Darla to health — and to evil. The Night Terror, a demon that replaces another's soul with its own, sets its sights on Buffy as a stronger permanent host. The Scoobies investigate a number of suspicious student suicides, suspecting that something supernatural is to blame. In an Intuitive tarot card reading the reader not only reads the images on the cards but also reads the energy surrounding current situation. Now able to control his werewolf transformations. Find best-selling books, new releases, and classics in every category, from Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird to the latest by Stephen King or the next installment in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid children’s book series. As Giles' niece comes to visit, two mysterious sisters. Angel's vampire nature is revealed to Buffy, a fact, As Giles warns the Scoobies about a plot by the followers of. Information and translations of cross-reading in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Sabbat – witches meeting at quarterly and cross quartly festivals. Moods that are cyclic with the Moon. Angelus meets the French poet Charles Baudelaire, possibly inspiring the eponymous demon of the poem "Le Vampire. The current Slayer is killed by the vampire L'Hero. The Scoobies pursue an animated ventriloquist's dummy, Sunnydale students begin living out their nightmares, a condition caused by the boy. Baleful Watcher - The power sometimes called "Baleful Watcher" or "Piercing Gaze" is a technique taught to Navigators to help them to penetrate the densest of Warp Storms and find a safe path. An identity-theft victim seeks help from Angel, but he's reluctant to entirely trust Angel, having been approached by a false "Angel" already. Free Green Witch Celtic Cross reading widget. Self-sacrificing but also capable of sacrificing the needs of family for a perceived spiritual goal. This constitutes an addiction and treating an addiction needs professional help and attention. Harmony comes to Los Angeles and tries to help Angel Investigations track down a cult-like group of vampires led by an, A popular motivational speaker has a secret plan to balance the scales between the haves and have-nots, bringing about a "perfect world.". Taking place during Buffy season 5 and Angel season 2. The ubiquitous Jonathan is a hero to everyone, but Buffy suspects something may be amiss when an evil monster appears. The armor of a samurai demon is taken from a cargo ship, and a fight begins for master of the "ring of fire.". Search for: Follow Following Dharma on … As Gunn, Cordelia, and Wesley work alone. Angel and Cordelia take different approaches to stopping a. Through the cross Jesus Christ with his sinless blood He took upon Himself the curse of the old law, and sin. Oz leaves Sunnydale, running form a werewolf hunter and seeking a solution to his lycanthropy problem. We’re making easier for you, keeping track of all the 2020 releases in one convenient location. Despite her promise to abstain from magic, Willow casts a forgetfulness spell that backfires, erasing the memories of the entire Scooby Gang. A gambling vampire "rescues" a woman from gangsters, but he soon discovers she may not be as helpless as she initially appears. Rarely successful owing to excessive enthusiasm and idealism. A drunken Liam is killed and sired by Darla, becoming Angelus. 6. As Doyle deals with a demon debt collector, Cordelia moves into a new apartment — one that may have a malicious ghostly inhabitant. Free Sagittarius Daily Horoscope. A vampire undergoes an experimental surgery that will allow him to survive in the sun indefinitely. In my opinion, it’s not healthy to keep asking the Tarot cards over and over about the same topic. Taking place during Buffy season 7 and Angel season 4. Adjusting to college, Buffy returns to form investigating a nest of vampires who steal their victims' possessions. Buffy develops a radical plan to defeat the First, and the entire crew heads directly to the Hellmouth for a final confrontation. Sense of duty, With the Major Trumps: Hierophant and Fool ( & ) --- An adult sees a child and. When Spike regains corporeal form, a struggle ensues with Angel over the implications of two ensouled vampires on the, Spike struggles to protect a man from the demon. As the rest of the gang tries to stop another apocalypse, an isolated Xander becomes involving with zombies and a deadly plot. Cordelia and Wesley race to find Angel, who has been captured and forced to fight to the death in a demon. Lucrezia Borgia imprisons and drinks from the Slayer. Before his imprisonment as one of the last Old Ones entombed in the Deeper Well. The team is enchanted by the newly-arrived. Believers in Christ are free from the curse of the law and free to live in the Holy Spirit . Nina and Angel — still in puppet form — go out for supper and run into a former Wolfram & Hart client. Prone to drug dependence. Happy Sunday Friends! The full Celtic Cross reading is a terrific bargain for a multi-faceted, in-depth look at your life and prospects. A fondness for nature and agriculture. While waiting to see the Master, Angelus points out. Lindsey recruits Spike as a vampire champion, and Angel suffers nightmares in which Spike has claimed his destiny of redemption. Drusilla, in want of a companion, sires William. This is a free Celtic Cross spread done with the beautiful Green Witch Tarot deck. The Night Terrors forcibly eject the spirit of the Slayer. Buffy gains telepathic abilities that soon become overwhelming — but also reveal an imminent murder plot. Buffy discovers two of the Gentlemen's henchmen, and must cope with Adam and the Gentlemen's plans. Unable to save Fred — now completely transformed into Illyria — the team works to stop the demon's plans to find her temple and restore her army. THIS READING WILL BE ACCESSIBLE FOR ONE WEEK ONLY! Angel searches for a missing child, taken by his father for an immortality ritual — one requiring a human sacrifice on the winter solstice. The first tarot cards are believed to have originated in Italy in the 15 th century. In some materials, dates are more fluid, as time passes more slowly in the story universe than in the real world (given production timelines and publication schedules). Cordelia gives Angel a one-shot vision from their kiss. Not given to deep thinking. Taking place during Buffy season 6 and Angel season 3. Buffy tries to prepare a Thanksgiving meal, but Xander releases a Chumash vengeance spirits, and Angel secretly comes to protect her. 79 talking about this. Buffy battles Samhain, the Pumpkin King, revived by a magical rain. The vampire Tom Mitchell takes his young son to the Santa Monica pier. At first it looked like a falling star, but grew larger and brighter with each mile. i apologize for the inconvenience. Buffy begins to adjust to a normal life, but she's forced back into action when corpses of vampires begin to appear. Prefers spiritual goals to material ones. Xander works as a bartender at the college pub, where Buffy's boorish drinking companions transform into. Strange moods. Spike attempts to solve a decades-old crime he is accused of committing: the infamous Black Dahlia murder. An actress who plays a vampire on television is targeted by would-be slayers convinced she is a real vampire. It is generally regarded as a standard "consultation" spread in the Tarot reader trade, which is attested to by the number of variations of it which are to be found in the pages of contemporary Tarot manuals. When Angel and Wesley stash the heart of a demon at Cordelia's apartment, she and. Angel, injured during World War I, must fend off. Hard to express emotions clearly. A sense of religious truth tends to permeate all activity. Wolfram & Hart induces Faith to assassinate Angel for them, but she soon reveals that her plans go much further. At Darla's prompting, Angelus toys with and kills his friend Liam McHugh. From the introduction into this Tarot Elements tutorial series in Part One: How to Read the Celtic Cross Tarot Spread, I discussed the variations found in the Celtic Cross Spread, and indeed questioned the need for a significator at all; today’s tutorial will focus purely on the Celtic Cross Tarot Spread positions and their meanings.. Dial up modems, Geocities, and dancing baby gifs. The Slayer India sacrifices herself to wanderer mummies to save her only family. In an alternate reality, a vampire-turned Giles leads a band of vampires in an attempt to squelch the Slayer line. As Buffy battles a vicious and skilled new fighter, Anya must decide whether to return to her former vengeance-demon self. As Buffy embarks on a spiritual quest, Spike takes comfort with a. After a vampire nearly kills her with her own stake, Buffy turns to Spike to learn how other Slayers met their end. A group of sorority girls inadvertently summon an elemental destroyer demon intent on stopping time itself. Also one who worries too much, especially in matters of conscience. After These Messages... We'll Be Right Back! A newly risen vampire raises a crazed war veteran from the grave. Two workers tasked with clearing out the abandoned Dream-a-Dreamland amusement park are attacked by demon-controlled rats. With the Major Trumps: World and Fool ( & ) --- Either utter failure or spiritual. Buffy slays a vampire during an exhibit opening while helping on her mom's gallery. Online shopping from a great selection at Books Store. Suggested reading and references. A vengeful demon begins slaughtering people in the access tunnels beneath the city, and making Angel appear responsible for the killings. Tarot aquarius tarot reading, aries tarot reading, cancer tarot reading, capricorn tarot reading, gemini tarot reading, HOROSCOPE, leo tarot reading, libra tarot reading, love, love reading, pisces tarot reading, reading, sagittarius tarot reading, scorpio tarot reading, Tarot, tarot reading, taurus tarot reading, virgo tarot reading A centuries-old vampire and her lover arrive in Sunnydale in an effort to both kill the Slayer and resurrect a goddess of destruction. Buffy and Angel investigate a series of missing teenagers and thwart a group of renegade scientists who have opened a demonic gateway. San Francisco and alternate dimension, 2004, Willow embarks on a magical training journey, meeting the powerful, Wesley deals with Illyria as Angel, Spike, and Gunn track Lindsey to a suburban hell dimension for information on the. As Angel drives to Los Angeles, demonic forces hope to exploit his separation from Buffy. Meaning of cross-reading. Read online books for free new release and bestseller Angel exhibits extraordinary powers that allow him to save a crashing plane, and a. Buffy and Joyce are put on trial by the goddess of Balance for Buffy's slaying of teenage vampire twins. Buffy, Xander, and Willow, their 2001 consciousnesses inhabiting their 1999 bodies, must figure out how (and if) to return. Buffy, Willow, Xander, and Giles all experience strange dreams in which they are each pursued by an angry and mysterious figure. Embarking on a new mission of redemption. A ship's crew mutinies against its captain, Robin Whitby, upon discovering she is a woman, only to be attacked by a sea monster. It will be a huge social experiment with the anti-christ controling social operations and economy. Spike, angry at Drusilla's passion for Angelus, ends their relationship, but a battle with zombies reunites them. After one year since their last crisis, Buffy and her allies face the, 200 years after the end of magic, Melaka Fray is called as a Slayer; guided by. Believing that Tara is the Key, Glory drains her mind, leaving her incoherent and driving an enraged Willow to seek dark-magic vengeance. A tendency to specialize. The passage of time and the state of material things. Philosopher. Restrictive, practical, opinionated, paternal. Very honest in all dealings. Highly changeable. Buffy's selfless example inspires a discouraged emissary from an undersea world to continue his quest for a new home. Angelus leads Spike, Drusilla, and a group of vampires against the, Spike and Angelus are imprisoned by the mysterious. Kindness, mystery, unusual but agreeable personality. "You should switch to Google," I told her straight up. Angel investigates a series of mysterious combustion deaths while Cordelia looks into a band of child thieves. Tarot readings have been popular globally for many years and continue to offer a good level of insight to an individual. Cordelia finds herself extremely pregnant and the team's investigations lead to a. Angel's investigation of the death of a California congressman leads to a well-established vampire bordello with a very particular clientele. CHECK OUT YOUR BRAND NEW ZODIAC JEWELRY GEMINI: Gemini. Marital, but with Jovian elements and some influence by Venus. A demonic scorpion that feeds on cruelty targets a bully who has been tormenting Xander. Riley is surprised by Buffy's present of jewelry, and the two argue while disposing of a group of attacking vampires. With the Major Trumps: Lovers and Fool ( & ) --- Innocent love. The new Slayer stakes her first vampire in the same night. While looking into several young men's mysterious deaths, Angel discovers an old man switching bodies — and his own body is next. As Angel decides to end his relationship with Buffy, she fights to stop a pack of. Also 5) & 3) have a different meaning in the RW spread. Spike and Eddie Hope reluctantly unite to stop the vampire. As Twilight takes captives after a battle with the Slayers, the now-flying Buffy helps detain three. The First Slayer is rejected by her village and instructed to fight alone. What does cross-reading mean? While searching for a rare flower, Willow and Tara must reconcile a ghostly couple haunting a bed and breakfast. With the stuffy new watcher, Buffy begins embracing Faith's wilder nature — until a careless Faith kills the. This morning over coffee I thoroughly entertained myself by really embracing the dreamy, Neptune nature of Pisces. Angel tries to find a save a girl cursed with pyrokinesis by her abusive, spell-casting stepfather — before she accidentally kills again. En route to Sunnydale, Spike and Drusilla stop off in St. Louis for some riverboat gambling. Willow and Tara must combat a horde of monsters accidentally summoned out of Dawn's handheld video game system. Your tarot reading can change day to day, or even within hours. Buffy allies with Spike to defeat Angelus, while Willow attempts to reenact the curse to restore Angel's soul. The stories which type is marked with an asterisk (*) are those from dubious or non-canon sources. Returning to Los Angeles, Angel joins his old teammates against a series of near-flawless duplicates of themselves — and Dr. Angel resumes his struggle against evil in Los Angeles, acknowledging his special connection to the city. Angel discovers a street gang of vampire hunters led by. After failing to protect a friend in danger, Now living in Los Angeles, Angel teams with. The creatures of the night are trying to prevent the new day from starting, and only Angel can ensure the new dawn. Originally, I was going to have this entire group be OCs with the exception of Eraserhead, but I don't really love reading OCs so decided to replace them all with canon characters! Frankenstein's monster tries to stop him. Leader. Happy personality. On Halloween, as Xander and Anya announce their engagement, Tara and Willow fight about Willow's overdependence on magic. As Willow tries to take the lead in continuing Buffy's work, a group of lizard-demons attack Sunnydale in hopes of resurrecting their leader. Buffy dreams about being in Sunnydale again, where she struggles to balance her Slayer responsibilities and the joy of revisiting her youth. Spike kills Nikki Wood in a subway car, taking her coat for his own. Angel must free a group of Christmas carolers who are being taken as hosts for a demon race — a task which inspires his musical spirit. As Angelus stalks and taunts Buffy, Jenny Calendar tries to find a way to restore his soul, but Angelus puts an untimely end to her plans. Archaeus enacts his ultimate plan: using an ancient and powerful statue to give the sentient magic of Magic Town a threatening new form. A horde of angry demon-hunters descends on the city, but Angel and company soon learn that the mob makes no distinctions among demons. Anharra, San Francisco, San Diego, etc., 2008, Harmony's work on a tell-all documentary video for. Whistler serves as an advisor in ancient Greece. Angel and Spike battle over the team's entertainment choices — Angel wanting hockey with Spike preferring a soap-opera marathon. After Adam promises to remove his chip, Spike works through subtle insinuations to drive Buffy's allies apart (including the visiting Angel). Strong personality. A vampire cult pursues the pregnant Darla. Like Libra in the Zodiac. 1. The Scoobies must stop a sinister group from opening portals to evil realms, and find the heir to the wizard charged with keeping them secured. Angel attempts to help a woman in an abusive marriage, though she may not be as helpless as she first appears. Saved by jaquea bowie shellyb. Sep 20, 2019 - **NEW** JOIN ME ON PATREON for a LIVE 1 hour face-to-face (group) meeting once a month where we will talk tarot, metaphysical, astrology, and/or get life coa... More information (Cross-Watcher … Part 1 Ah, the internet of the 90s. Spike returns and kidnaps Willow and Xander to force the former to perform a love spell to gain Drusilla back. A tempered, open minded and intuitive approach should always be taken to all negative cards, and supposedly positive cards, in interpreting their meaning. Budget 2021: Here's a strong reason to enhance limit u/s 80C to ₹2.50 lakh. A documentary filmmaker works to bring a fleeing Drusilla's story to the big screen. Active, alert, questioning. Taking place during Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 3. Riley negotiates amnesty for the Slayer Organization with Interpol, a condition of which is the return of all illicitly obtained material. Connor suspects he might be behind a rash of vigilante attacks, fearing that he may be killing these criminals in his sleep. At a screening of a horror film, the Watcher, Over a period of two weeks, 41 bodies were found near Union Station. A group of vampire-assassins travel into the past in an attempt to kill previous Slayers, disrupting the Slayer lineage. Comic adaptation of eponymous episode along with "Shells.". Buffy and the Scooby Gang time travel in search for answers on what happened to the world and themselves during the Reckoning. Like Leo in the Zodiac. Buffy is convinced that escalating conflicts with her. Angelus watches the ballet Gisele and cries, despite his evil nature. Wesley meets two ghosts from the early Hollywood era who lead him to a better understanding of his life. New Slayer Faith has her first encounter with three vampires, in which she manages to stake two before ", As Buffy adjusts to life back in Sunnydale, a Nigerian mask that, The Scoobies come face to face with a group of martial-artist vampires led by, As Buffy discovers and tends to Angel, he and, Buffy hopes for an uneventful night of trick-or-treating, but, Competing for Homecoming Queen, Buffy and Cordelia become targets in the, The Scoobies find out about Angel's surprising return, and the new. Their magic power drained in order to escape the internment camp, During a quiet year for supernatural crises, Dawn Summers gives birth to. A person having deep intuition and faith. The criminal activities of a newly arrived Chinese gang escalate racial tensions, but experimentation with the occult results in new dangers. Tarot can be stunningly accurate at times (and when that happens, it is like a magical symphony) but like any divination tool, it is rarely perfect. Such nostalga. Taurian. Like Cancer in the Zodiac. Sir Andrew Landry leads another failed attack on Angelus. The tarot is a pack of cards (most commonly numbering 78), used from the mid-15th century in various parts of Europe to play a group of card games such as Italian tarocchini and French tarot. Taking place during Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight. A UC Sunnydale student retaliates against bullies by summoning an ancient Egyptian spirit, but the spirit has an agenda of its own. definition of - senses, usage, synonyms, thesaurus. Willow, Tara and Dawn must stop a group of angry forest creatures from exacting revenge on the local humans. After Dawn inadvertently makes a wish in front of the vengeance demon, Wesley looks for signs that Angel will harm Connor, Holtz's minions lure Fred and Gunn into a trap, and. It includes sources from various media, such as episodes, comics, novels, video games, etc. This is an extended reading to the complimentary reading provided on YouTube for the zodiac sign of Taurus (Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus and/or Cross Watcher). After a failed Wolfram & Hart abduction attempt, Connor traps Angel on the ocean floor as Cordelia ascends as a higher being. Living on the streets in the Bowery, Angel is beset by rats, contributing to his longtime antipathy toward the creatures. As Buffy seeks out government help with Spike's malfunctioning chip, a kiss with, The team interrogates an imprisoned Angelus, learning his history with The Beast and of potential, Buffy goes to dinner with Robin Wood, learning that his. Taking place during Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 1. After a leviathan demon gave octopus sentience, a Watcher of the Merryweather family prevents them from uprising against humans. Health unstable. The Magician is there to remind you of your divine gift of creation. As the Scoobies try to stop Glory's ritual, Buffy must decide if she can kill Dawn in order to save the world — or find an alternative solution. In the fifth grade, Buffy develops a crush on. Spike attends the Woodstock music festival, where he experiences the effects of psychedelic drugs after feeding on a fellow attendee.

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