algol sphere and sundry

Men should be especially careful in how they approach Algol. Sold out — a, AT LONG LAST, the Empress series was released toda, Rose + Pink Lotus Bath Salts, inspired by the Milk, Yonis + hearts abound in the original formation of, Praise to St. Expedite, our Quicksilver Martyr, on, Excited and grateful that this documentary will be, South Node Eclipse incoming! Due to a high volume of emails, it’s not possible to respond to every request. All of the gigantic candles are reserved for the, For the first time, Sphere + Sundry welcomes renowned occult author. NEW VIDEO POSTED: MARS IN TAURUS III - 2021 TRANSITS. Topped with genuine silver leaf. Sphere + Sundry’s waters are hydrosols created using water freshly collected from Mt. Alcohol comes from the word Algol. If you are overcharged, a refund will be issued when the order is packed! It cares not for you, nor your life, nor your feelings — it simply beams in fixed and predictable accord with its own nature and effects whatever crosses its laser-like path, as the name ‘fixed star’ suggests. The concept of Algol as Dark Mother, us as her children begging for, appreciative of, and in need of Her protection, can also be addressed for such purpose. Star-fire, on the other hand, has a certifiable Aspergers diagnosis. The basis is whether the unconcealed benefits excluding Provenge could … The Arab word for alcohol means “the Demon”. Including your birthday may result in a special gift or offer. Algol is located at 26 degrees Taurus on the ecliptic, or the ring in the sky allotted to the 12 signs of the Zodiac. Due to a high volume of emails, it’s not possible to respond to every request. and in the very center was one of dark enameled blue. Wooden boxes hand-painted matte black and otherwise unmarked, to serve as a quarantined storage space or portable altar. Keeping operations moving is a more than full time job, so at this point my focus is best kept on the actual work over media + promotion. The live, Customer and User Agreement + Privacy Policy. [A scanned copy can be viewed on this webpage] Beta (β) Perseus, Algol, is a bright star positioned on the severed head that Perseus is carrying.It is an eclipsing binary; every 68 hours and 49 minutes this Demon Star ‘blinks’ for … Your choice of talisman: Algol Eye OR Medusa Mirror, Blood of the Gorgon (2 1/2 oz bottles, so they stand upright within, or one could be travelled with), Box 6.5” wide, 4.5” tall, 3.8” deep (same as the. ), If we miss combining them, Sphere + Sundry’s policy is to refund your excess shipping regardless , You are definitely invited to write in if you feel a refund has been missed, however! Long and personally involved messages regarding chart placements asking for recommendations will likely go unanswered, Algol’s full/ waxing/ visible vs. dark/ waning/ invisible cycle, in addition to its natural pattern of triplicity, are further manifestations of the star’s allegiance to the mysteries of primordial womanhood, likely providing the basis for the Lilith association as the first woman history negated, pre-Eve. If the results are ill-omened, we cannot ethically ship, and any Algol items in your purchase will instead be refunded. When high in the sky, during October and November, one can make out perhaps a half dozen of its brightest stellar members and perhaps twice that with a 10 x 50 binocular. These fields, however, are entirely optional. ALGOL W is a programming language.It is based on a proposal for ALGOL X by Niklaus Wirth and Tony Hoare as a successor to ALGOL 60 in International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) IFIP Working Group 2.1 on Algorithmic Languages and Calculi, which specified, maintains, and supports the languages ALGOL 60 and ALGOL … Arrives in a glass 1/2 vial with hand drawn label for $27. The utmost care and respect should be shown for these creations, which pack a powerful charge that will draw the direct gaze of Algol upon whoever contacts them. Telescopically, M … Thanks and praise to my fellow operators for contributing their fine works to Mother Algol. Lanterns fitted with convex Gorgon Mirror Talismans inside to reflect the Algol candle's flame. ALGOL originated through an international committee and, in its own way, is a tribute to the efficacy of international scientific cooperation. Set fire to appropriate items, names, images, etc. Given time constraints (among other things! Publisher. To approach things this way is more complicated and case by case, so prepare to venture into the deeps… Apply to the self with care and caution, to attune to primordial feminine and Dark Goddess energies. Offered in either a small 2 oz for $87, or 8 oz slim vigil for $168. Side effects are likely to express themselves in the beginning of the relationship and diminish over time as rapport is built or the materia is stowed and forgotten, turned to in the case of need. Organic almond oil, ritually imbued with home grown black hellebore leaf and root harvested during the hour of Saturn, diamond, mummified rattle snake, rattler, snake's skin, belladonna, and other herbs, precious metals, and essential oils for the purpose of protection, counter-magic, cursing, curse breaking, and the like. from p.332 of Star Names, Richard Hinckley Allen, 1889. Cured with Helleborus leaf in boiling water while Algol … As is this. Twilight Alchemy Labs latest partnership with Sphere + Sundry has produced two potent oil blends created to elicit blessings from the star known as the blinking eye of the demon. I can't really find too many articles about Algol and synastry. Each diamond and sterling silver pendant includes a silver chain and arrives in a black leatherette pendant box, marked by a wax seal of Algol for easy identification. Two of these are being offered standalone for $213, the rest being offered to the public are included with box sets and Watchtowers. Crafted in the throes of Algol and surrounded by the Gorgons’ serpents, this is a hex-breaking oil that shatters curses with a shriek of divine rage. Talismanic offerings of the celestial variety, by Kaitlin Coppock. These talismans, and all other artifacts from this series, should be covered when not in use. Thirteen Algol eye talismans were crafted during this election. Each 1/2 oz glass vial is black, containing silver leaf and herbal matter for $66, Consecrated Algol herbal base, including black hellebore root and leaf, belladonna flower, mummified rattle snake, rattler, snake's skin, diamond, and more, immersed in organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar and sulfur during the height of the Full Moon in Taurus conjunct the fixed star Algol, 2019. The utmost care and respect should be shown for these creations, which pack an incredibly powerful charge that will draw the direct gaze of the primordial dark feminine, in all her potentially destructive glory, upon whoever she comes into contact. Casting was followed by Suffumgation of wormwood, harvested on a previous Algol election. Artist. There is so much more I would be doing if the time were available… Sphere + Sundry; Recommended Posts. and the shield’s baldric was of silver, and on it Algol C is a white star that is four times as bright as the sun. Symptoms may kick up again upon re-engagement or when placed wards start sounding. Click here to view current fulfillment times and admin updates. Main Menu. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Great care and consideration should be taken before you decide to place an order for this series, as just that act will invite Algol to take a peak into your sphere. Note: Due to Algol’s malefic potential and sheer power, a divination will take place for every order placed in this series. Algol is the most notorious fixed star our sky has to offer, yet it can also bestow unparalleled protection and avenge those who have been victimized by unjust deeds or malicious magic. Each glass bottle contains silver leaf and a hand drawn Algol label, offered in a small 1/2 oz size for $30 or 2 oz for $63. The offers and opportunities are genuinely appreciated! ), but probably not . Welcome to an individual and slightly eccentric view of football "hopping" in the 21st century. The ancients, deeply suspicious of this behavior, took to calling the star ‘Lilith’, after the Garden’s original She Demon. All of that expertise has been brought to bear for the client who orders from this series, available in this writeup, and the additional directions that arrive with your materia or talisman, and finally, in an ongoing basis via the Facebook client forum. Black clay filled molded into a three dimensional vesica piscis during the Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Algol, 2019. This is an oil for the Gorgons – for veneration, prayer, and evocation. Mars: Motivation, kicking ass, assertiveness, winning contests and competitions. Keep outside next to entryways or face in the direction of known danger, to intercept the energies, burn some in Algol's gaze, and return the rest to sender. Direct its light to feed Algol talismans or implements of an appropriately protective, reversing, or malefic nature, as well as pictures or icons of those you wish to impact. The language is a modification of ALGOL to contain orthogonal data types that Morrison created for his PhD thesis. ), Kaitlin ( hi, that’s me!) They often include other ingredients … This series, of anything Sphere + Sundry is ever likely to produce, has by far the most malefic potential. Closed for shipping + restocking 🌟 Talismanic offerings of the celestial variety, for practical magic + magical practice 🧿 #AstroMage Kaitlin Coppock. These Algol Eyes feature a hole through the center, meaning they can serve as standalone talismans or as beads. Please read the info on the Cart page regarding which of our shipping options might be best for you, and be sure to add any comments regarding customs disclosures in the notes field at Checkout. Goddesses of this class can help channel Algol’s power and provide a guiding, even protective lens through which to filter its influence. stared out with dreadful glare, and Fear and Flight about her; Mother Algol features returning collaborations from Elizabeth Barrial of  Twilight Alchemy Lab and Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab in the form of two perfumes for protection and hex-breaking. It hosted the first series I created for Sphere + Sundry on the road (Venus in Taurus 2019).⠀ So needless to say, NORWAC holds a very special place in my heart. “She is the kundalini energy… the power of the feminine or the potential power of Mother Nature, not to be called evil for being strong.” Algol carries the collective rage for the suppression and repression of this power. Determinism 2 ALGOL: The Multi-Development Lobby Filed under: gouache,inspirasi motivasi,provocacao ao daniel — by pricegziantonia @ 4:55 am Tags: gouache, inspirasi motivasi, provocacao ao daniel. Vela is a constellation in the southern sky. Each Eye includes one of the toothpicks used to create and maintain these holes, which carry quite a charge on their own and can be applied in any manner usually reserved for nails, thorns, or pins. Electrical disturbances are another common manifestation, and the star is famous for its association with beheadings. She is an obsessed demon, she has stopped living her life to live her obsession … ALGOL was originally invented in the late 1950s, by a joint committee of American and European computer scientists, meeting in Zurich. Burn to invoke the primordial feminine and explore the gnosis and wisdom of the Dark Goddess. This development was a result of the common effort to create translators for ALGOL 60. A beloved favorite returns. Rosarium Blends. Optional: Black candle (4″ temple chime candle will do), Mugwort, Hellebore, a hookah charcoal tablet to burn the plants as incense, Diamond … Sphere + Sundry posted on Instagram: “Electrical disturbances abound since Algol II was created following the Full Moon in Taurus last…” • See all of @sphere_and_sundry's photos and videos on their profile. (ST video game: Starfleet … [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Making offerings or saying mantras to these beings and praying to them as an adjunct to Algol workings is always a good idea. In this video, we discuss the transits of Mars through the third decan of Taurus between Feb. 14 - Mar. It turns us into zombies, we loose our heads and our sovereignty. S-algol (St Andrews Algol): vii is a computer programming language derivative of ALGOL 60 developed at the University of St Andrews in 1979 by Ron Morrison and Tony Davie. ), Kaitlin ( hi, that’s me!) The formulation includes many other herbs and ingredients to boost its protective, insulating, and counter-magical, hex-breaking qualities, in addition to belladonna flower, whole mummified rattle snake, snake’s skin, and rattlers (all ethically, legally begotten). Engraved with Algol's seal and cured with Helleborus in boiling water in the light of Luna as she conjoined the fixed star. Shasta (the headwaters of the Sacramento river), local stream sources, freshly drawn from a specific wells, or the rain from lightning and thunderstorms, depending on the nature of the Work at hand. This is Sphere + Sundry’s second Algol series, but differs from the first (sold out) in that it features the Full Moon instead of the New, which lends a more protective, insulating quality, not just by nature of brimming with light, but also because of the Moon’s exaltation, increasing the stability, predictability, and steadfast power of the charge. What does that mean? If you are overcharged, a refund will be issued when the order is packed! Modeled in hard carver’s wax and cast on November 12th, 2019 at 5:04 pm EST in Williamsport Pennsylvania; the moon applying to a conjunction within two degrees of the fixed star Algol, rising on the ascendant at 26 Taurus. When Mother Algol calls, we answer! On a fire-safe surface, form into a peaked mound or shape (a snake, perhaps?) From the ingredients on Sphere and Sundry, I can see a few things that pop up in many BPAL fragrances. Closed for shipping + restocking 🌟 Talismanic offerings of the celestial variety, for practical magic + magical practice 🧿 #AstroMage Kaitlin Coppock. This fixed star is in Taurus, a Venus ruled sign, and has long been associated with loss and destructive wrath. For remedial suggestions based on natal factors, we recommend Austin Coppock, Austin’s year II graduates, Freedom Cole, or any of the referrals Freedom may make. If the results are neutral or positive, they’ll fly as usual. Sphere + Sundry posted on Instagram: “Electrical disturbances abound since Algol II was created following the Full Moon in Taurus last…” • See all of @sphere_and_sundry's photos and videos on their profile. The use of the Orphic Hymn to Astron for invocation is borrowed from Kaitlin Coppock at Sphere and Sundry. and on it twenty pale-shining disks of tin, Add new topic Astrology forum. Rosemary ct Verbenone steam-distilled essential oil (Rosmarinus officinalis (L.) ct verbenone), rosemary ct Cineole essential oil (Rosmarinus officinalis (L.) ct cineole), and rosemary from the TAL garden (Rosemary Prostatus cv. These can involve extremely negative manifestations in the life and in the body. recently I purchased both Hex Breaker and Drakontomalloi from the BPAL/TAL collaboration with Sphere and Sundry. Please see this article for guidance on making your selections! This is a protection oil that defends you by striking terror into those who would do you harm; it will hone your wrath, your anguish, and your fury into a blackened, hissing shield that deflects any malicious intent. Severen Sea and Rosmarinus officinalis), Greek sea salt, organic lemon essential oil and lemon peel from the TAL garden (Citrus limon), wild-grown Nepalese lemongrass essential oil (Cymbopogon flexuosus Nees ex Steud) , West Indian lemongrass essential oil (Cymbopogon citratus, lemongrass from the TAL garden (Cymbopogon citratus), organic peppermint essential oil and peppermint from the TAL garden (Mentha piperita), blue gum eucalyptus essential oil (Eucalyptus globulus), and steam-distilled mugwort essential oil (Artemisia alba) and mugwort from the TAL garden (Artemisia vulgaris). Collected water to use in the creation of a hydrosol for the Venus series from this gorgeous … Algol (ß Persei) is the brigh eclipsing binary with deep eclipses. Morrison would go on to become … I noticed that my Algol conjuncts my ex's sun. As is this. mars conjunct algol. Algol: Protection, especially against the Evil Eye, works of black magic. Yes! ALGOL 60 is often related to the development of formal language theory in computer science. 0:39. It was an international effort, … Fixed star Algol, Beta Persei, is a 2.1 magnitude, rare triple star and eclipsing binary, located in the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus Constellation.The name Algol comes from the Arabic word رئيس الغول, meaning Head of the Ogre.The English translation became … The exterior is intentionally left unmarked so it can be decorated in accord with the user's desired purpose (optional, of course!). Procured as the Moon conjoined Venus in her hour, on the rising in Libra. Product/Service. And crowning this a bristling Gorgon face Now that we’ve gotten the warnings regarding potency and side effects out of the way, how can Algol help? As Medusa, Algol also is a strong ally for ending and avenging violence against women. 9 Likes, 0 Comments - Sphere + Sundry (@sphere_and_sundry) on Instagram: “Pyrographing an Algol box #medusa #algol #demon #blinkingdemon #planetarymagic #planetarymagick…” The color is the natural result of the ingredients imbuing, left to gestate at the edge of the woods for two Lunar cycles, making for a ridiculously potent elixir, unparalleled for extreme magical protection, acts of counter-magic, and necessary, well-considered maleficia. Yes! Astrology Based Are you trying to address natal chart placements or remediate a transit? Website. Available in a small size with 2 oz candle for $378, or large with 24 oz candle for $570, both with Algol mirrors. We also share practical advice for remediation and practicing magic in Articles and on social media. Alcohol disintegrates and dries us out, so it literally petrifies. Arrives in a glass 1/2 vial with hand drawn label for $27, Black hellebore root, leaf, and stem, harvested in the hour of Saturn, diamond dust, mummified rattle snake powder, and other herbs useful for counter-magic, strong protection, and maleficia, ritually combined and suffumigated during the hour of Saturn on the day of Mars as the Full Moon conjoined the fixed star Algol at 26° Taurus after sunset. Correspondences regarding placed orders and by paying clients have the highest priority. If you would like to send an invitation, a list is being kept for if/ when this changes. Aquarius - 8 days. Algol (also known as Beta Persei) is a star system, a trinary star in the space of the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant that was orbited by the Algolian homeworld. Once it has been created, a talisman is basically a battery of celestial influence which seeps into the sphere of sensation (the aura, for want of a better word) of the wearer and which, over time, has a balancing and strengthening effect correcting any issues resulting from a weak or afflicted planet in the nativity. The other part of the answer why ALGOL was more than ALGOL lies with the nature of the ALGOL effort. Black hellebore root, leaf, and stem, harvested in the hour of Saturn, diamond dust, mummified rattle snake powder, and other herbs useful for counter-magic, strong protection, and maleficia, ritually combined and suffumigated during the hour of Saturn on the day of Mars as the Full Moon conjoined the fixed star Algol at 26° Taurus after sunset. 337 Likes, 10 Comments - Sphere + Sundry (@sphere_and_sundry) on Instagram: “Bottling of Mother Algol began today in anticipation of its release Created the night of the Full…” Algol is part of the Perseus constellation, located above Gemini and Taurus, which was important to ancient … There is much to be said about this mythos and Algol’s relationship to Perseus and Athena, but the first time I attempted to posit at greater length Algol disappeared it. Steam-distilled mugwort essential oil (Artemisia alba) and mugwort from the TAL garden (Artemisia vulgaris), agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria), Egyptian myrrh essential oil and myrrh tears (Commiphora myrrha), opoponax tears (Commiphora opoponax), guggul resin (Commiphora mukul), nettle leaf (Urtica dioica), oakmoss and oakmoss absolute (Evernia prunastri), galbanum absolute and CO2 extract of galbanum (Ferula galbaniflua), patchouli leaf and patchouli essential oil (Pogostemon cablin), celery seed essential oil (Apium graveolens), and three snake sheds. The history of ALGOL,however, is largely one of European enthusiasm and United States' disinterest. “ Emrudue – If a person not initiated into magic wears the seal of the seventh head of the Moon sphere, manufactured during the astrological period of the seventh moon station and engraved on a silver plate, he or she will have good luck and success, and,above all, have any earthly desire fulfilled. If the results of divination are ill-omened, the order cannot be ethically shipped and will instead be refunded. Black clay filled with freshly harvested black hellebore and molded into a three dimensional vesica piscis during the New Moon in Taurus conjunct Algol, 2018. Unmarked standard size glass mason jars were suffumigated and filled with consecrated Algol herbal base, including black hellebore, mummified rattlesnake powder, snake's skin, diamond, and more. The Algol materia, of anything Sphere + Sundry is ever likely to produce, has by far the most malefic potential, and provides the most extreme protection, even to the point of bringing severe harm to one’s attacker in order to make them stop. If you would like to send an invitation, a list is being kept for if/ when this changes. It is an oil of fierce and fearsome protection dedicated to the Gorgons and crafted under the watchful eye of Algol. Please use Algol responsibly. We’re back at BlizzCon! Please read the info on the Cart page regarding which of our shipping options might be best for you, and be sure to add any comments regarding customs disclosures in the notes field at Checkout. There is nothing a nigredo based life-form hates more than bloviating ego and hubris, and Algol will begin dismantling and demolishing those traits utterly and completely should they happen to catch her eye without proper mitigation. Anoint Algol talismans or compatible wards for protection, the exterior of spaces for the same. The Algol materia, of anything Sphere + Sundry is ever likely to produce, has by far the most malefic potential, and provides the most extreme protection, even to the point of bringing severe harm to one’s attacker in order to make them stop. A second release by the group, known as ALGOL 60, became the standard version of the language is common use. Note that the listed effects still stand, as there is no application of strong malefic energy that doesn’t take some form of toll. Lyra (/ ˈ l aɪ r ə /; Latin for lyre, from Greek λύρα) is a small constellation.It is one of 48 listed by the 2nd century astronomer Ptolemy, and is one of the 88 constellations recognized by the International Astronomical Union.Lyra was often represented on star maps as a vulture or an eagle carrying a lyre, and hence is sometimes referred to as Vultur Cadens or Aquila Cadens … And this, from the first time around. Shes ex sister because I cut ties with her 10years ago. Given the amount of sets involving candles for this series, not many standalone candles are available. There is so much more I would be doing if the time were available… Bane Folk. As fate would have it, the election placed Algol on the degree of the rising angle during the finale of the working, when the most important aspects of the various offerings of the series came together — candles poured, eye talismans sigilized, and ingredients for oil combined. See what Elphin ap Daffyd (apdaffyd) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. Later powdered with snake skin, vertebrae, ribs, sulfur, black charcoal, myrrh, and silver leaf. Use during rituals for extreme protection, to send ill-magic back to its source, or casting your own well-considered maleficia. Would you like the earliest opportunities to snag limited items? with Algol's potent flame. Due to Algol’s malefic potential and sheer power, a divination will take place for every order placed in this series. The clear paraffin oil has turned red since incubation due to chemical reactions between it and its contents. The design for these Gorgon talismans was inspired by the use of convex mirrors used to not only reflect, but refract negative energies, and provide wider survey in bagua mirrors typically placed above doors in Feng Shui. We enjoy offering custom services of this nature, but it does increase the odds of a fuck up…, You can ask (and thank you! The back has a sticker which can be peeled off in order to stick it to a surface. Initial fulfillment will take longer for this launch due to the extra time this requires. Algol talismans can be used to provide powerful protection against the evil eye or to defend oneself against various malefactors, both human and discarnate. You know, all the light, fluffy stuff 😉. Much good can come from such processes, but you must be prepared for them and come in ‘eyes’ open.

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